Things you can learn from Flow and re-frame, even when you're not using them.
Gulp and Browserify recipe
Mixing Browserify and Gulp -- what could go wrong? (Note: this post is very outdated and no longer useful to anyone.)
The value of a sentence
2014-09-09 #essay
Succinctness is an underestimated virtue in nonfiction: too many books use a page where a sentence would do.
PersonalPVT Retrospective
2014-09-08 #project
PersonalPVT is a Web application for doing psychomotor vigilance task (PVT) testing.
Maneuver warfare was agile before agile
2014-02-14 #essay
Exploring the similarities between John Boyd's OODA Loop and agile development's iteration.
Hack language parser in a single regex
2013-12-30 #misc
Parsing the Hack language in a single regular expression. (Hack is a simple assembly language defined in Introduction to Computing Systems.)
Skewomorphism: second-order mimesis
2013-09-10 #essay
Our mental models are based on our experience. Overemphasis on games and media can affect these models, resulting in a skewed perception of reality.
prev 10 posts — listing posts: #41 to #47 (47 total posts)