Explaining a pattern I'm using for client/server state management in dust.
Why I deployed my Next.js app on Fly instead of Vercel
2023-10-23 #project #webdev #fly
I recently deployed another one of my little apps, written with Next.js. In this post, I discuss why my app is deployed on Fly instead of Vercel, even though Vercel is "the native Next.js platform".
Astro recipe: New post scaffold script
A script to scaffold new posts for my Astro blog.
Astro recipe: Creating aliases (redirects) for old content URLs
Implementing Hugo-style aliases in Astro.
ClojureScript Project Quickstart
A brief guide to tooling for ClojureScript projects. Includes compiling, development servers, CI/CD, and publishing to Netlify (for websites) and/or Clojars (for libraries).
The new blog theme
What I think about when making a new theme for my blog, and how that affects the design you're looking at now.
Unidirectional data flow architecture in JS
Things you can learn from Flow and re-frame, even when you're not using them.
Gulp and Browserify recipe
Mixing Browserify and Gulp -- what could go wrong? (Note: this post is very outdated and no longer useful to anyone.)
10 total posts