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Breathing techniques

2022-07-21 #list 

Breathing: We all do it, but we don't usually pay attention to it. This post has a brief summary of some conscious breathing techniques that I like to use in everyday life.

Specter, a motivational tutorial

2021-12-28 #tutorial 

This is a tutorial for Specter, an awesome Clojure(Script) library for transforming complex data structures. I seek to explain the how and why of Specter through a series of worked examples.

Arch Linux RPi 4

2021-07-25 #lab 

Installing Arch Linux on Raspberry Pi 4, with notes, tweaks, and bash script.

Cool Tools for Desktop Linux

2021-04-10 #list 

A list of cool tools, customizations, hacks, etc. for (power-user) desktop Linux.

Doom Emacs config

2021-04-03 #misc 

My self-compiling literate config for Doom Emacs. Supports note-taking and blogging workflows.

ClojureScript Project Quickstart

2021-03-28 #webdev #tutorial 

A brief guide to tooling for ClojureScript projects. Includes compiling, development servers, CI/CD, and publishing to Netlify (for websites) and/or Clojars (for libraries).

Useful GUIs for Developers

2021-03-20 #list 

A list of interesting GUI tools for developers.

Recommended books

2021-03-14 #list 

Looking for something to read? This is a list of books I've read and recommended, organized by genre. The list is provided in both human-readable and CSV formats.

GergoPlex Keymap Images

2020-08-24 #misc 

My printable key layout images for the Gergoplex keyboard

Customizing the Faunchpad

2020-08-10 #tutorial 

A "Getting started" guide for customizing the Faunchpad's keybindings. Covers QMK basics, compiling, and flashing the firmware.

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