
Astro recipe: Creating aliases (redirects) for old content URLs

2023-05-04 #webdev #tutorial 

Implementing Hugo-style aliases in Astro.

Ad Astro

2023-03-31 #meta #webdev 

Switching my blog’s static site generator to Astro.

Web Clipping for Dendron

2023-01-12 #project 

A brief overview of my MarkDownload fork, intended for Dendron users.

Compiling Mermaid, KaTeX, and D2 at build-time with aftermath

2022-12-30 #meta #project 

I’m happy to report that you no longer need JavaScript to see rendered KaTeX expressions and Mermaid diagrams in my blog posts! I wrote a script aftermath that post-processes my blog posts to compile the following at build-time: KaTeX, Mermaid, and D2.

Triggering Fly deployments from Gitea webhooks

2022-11-27 #project #lab #fly 

A brief overview of gitea-fly-connector, a piece of code I recently published.

Hosting Gitea on Fly

2022-11-19 #tutorial #lab #fly 

This is a tutorial for hosting Gitea on Includes installation, hardening, SSH, and custom domain setup. For an example of what you get, see

Breathing techniques

2022-07-21 #list 

Breathing: We all do it, but we don’t usually pay attention to it. This post has a brief summary of some conscious breathing techniques that I like to use in everyday life.

Specter, a motivational tutorial

2021-12-28 #tutorial 

This is a tutorial for Specter, an awesome Clojure(Script) library for transforming complex data structures. I seek to explain the how and why of Specter through a series of worked examples.

Arch Linux RPi 4

2021-07-25 #lab 

Installing Arch Linux on Raspberry Pi 4, with notes, tweaks, and bash script.

Cool Tools for Desktop Linux

2021-04-10 #list 

A list of cool tools, customizations, hacks, etc. for (power-user) desktop Linux.

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